MED-BERRY PROJECT |New, sustainable strategies to protect strawberry farming in the Mediterranean region
Escrito por UCCiThe European project called MED-BERRY looks into new biofungicides and genetic improvement technology in order to defend strawberries against attacks from pathogens
Honeybees reveal environmental pollution in their surroundings
Escrito por UCC+iThe University of Cordoba is collaborating on a new project by the University of Almeria to test APIStrip, a new tool for sampling environmental pollutants by means of bee colonies
ARTISANEFOOD PROJECT | Reseach increases food safety in artisanal cheese and cured sausages
Escrito por UCC+iThe ArtisaneFood Project uses predictive microbiology in order to optimize food quality and safety in artisanal foods produced in the Mediterranean region
The effectiveness of a treatment to slow down alpha-mannosidosis, a rare hereditary disease, is assessed
Escrito por UCCiThe therapy, that acts as a substitute for a natural enzyme, improves motor proficiency and slows down the progression of the disease at early stages
Conservation Agriculture increases carbon sequestration in extensive crops
Escrito por UCC+iA study performed by UCO (University of Cordoba) and IFAPA (Institute of Agricultural Research and Training) analyzed the potential of no-till farming in order to achieve the aims of the 4perMille initiative, that seeks to increase the amount of organic carbon in soil.
TEACUP PROJECT | Teaching languages combined with cultures, key to the education of the future
Escrito por UCCiThe Teacup Project will help foreign language teachers incorporate cultural aspects into their classes