Incorporating NIRS technology to almond analysis allows for quantifying amygdalin levels, the compound that causes the nut’s bitter taste, on an industrial scale
Integrated Disease Management saves olive trees from Verticillium wilt
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The University of Cordobas's Agronomy Department (abbreviated to DAUCO in Spanish) reduced the occurrence of Verticillium wilt in a commercial olive plantation by applying an Integrated Disease Management strategy
New biodegradable polyurethane foams are developed from wheat straw
Escrito por ucc+iThe polyurethane foams have several industrial uses. Now, a new paper, published on the front page of Polymers, was able to obtain them from biomass in order to avoid using petroleum by-products in their manufacturing
The Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of having another heart attack
Escrito por UCC+iA clinical study with 1002 patients with heart disease shows the advantages of a Mediterranean diet compared to a low-fat diet.
Researchers identify the bacteria that can make the Bolson tortoise become ill
Escrito por UCC+iThe Bolson tortoise is a species indigenous to the Chihuahua desert in Mexico and is endangered. This research could help with conservation strategies for this species.
The invasive species that Europe needs to erradicate most urgently are identified
Escrito por UCC+iAn international research team analyzed the risk impact and the effectiveness of possible erradication strategies for invasive species already in the region as well as those that have yet to arrive