The Variety of Olive Determines the Concentration of Antioxidants in its Pomace
Escrito por UCC+iThe University of Cordoba evaluatedthe phenols and other bioactive compounds from the extraction of olive oil pomace in 43 olive varieties for three consecutive years
MEATQUALITY PROJECT | Evaluating the Relationship Between Sustainability, Animal Welfare and Meat Quality
Escrito por UCC+iThe UCO is participating in the European mEATquality project, which analyzes the management and sustainability factors that can determine the quality of the meat produced by chicken and pig farms
QUILL PROJECT | Educational Resources in 18 European Languages Compiled to Enhance learning
Escrito por UCC+iThe UCO participates in the European QuILL project by combing the Internet for teaching material in three of the languages selected: Spanish, French and Norwegian
The new sustainable, CO2-capturing concrete containing carbonated water
Escrito por UCC+iA research project using aggregates recycled fromConstruction and Demolition Waste (CDW) and carbonated water has succeeded in dosing a concrete that sequesters 181% more carbon dioxide than conventional concrete, while improving its mechanical properties. This new technology could be used in the manufacture of non-structural concrete elements, such as paving stones, curbstones, vaults and street furniture.
FROOTS PROJECT | Assessing stress in olive tree rootstocks to make them more resilient to global change
Escrito por UCC+iThe European FROOTS project crossbreeds olive tree varieties to achieve genetic improvements to deal with the impact of environmental stresses
Expanded knowledge of a mineral that helps decipher past climates
Escrito por UCC+iA review published in Reviews of Geophysics, featuring participation by the UCO, containsmuch of the knowledge generated about the magnetic and color properties of a mineral that can help to decipher the past climate of Earth and Mars: hematite.