ALIVE PROJECT | The University of Cordoba Conducts Research on the Improvement of Liver Cancer Surgery
Escrito por UCC+iThe European ALIVE project, coordinated at the UCO by Professor Joaquín Olivares Bueno, pursues the optimization of computer-assisted tools that allow surgeons to fine-tune liver cancer operation plans
Discovery: Herpesvirus Promotes the Chronic Deterioration of the Immune System
Escrito por UCC+iA research team at the University of Córdoba is studying the alterations that occur in the immune system's T lymphocytes with respect to age and in relation to the cytomegalovirus herpesvirus
BILINGUAL-ME PROJECT | Accreditation System Designed for Bilingualism Programs
Escrito por UCC+iThe University of Córdoba is working on an integrated system that makes it possible to resolve learning problems in non-mother tongues
In-Depth Study of the Biodiversity of the Fungus Causing Olive Tree Anthracnose
Escrito por UCC`+iThe Department of Agronomy at the University of Córdoba leads an international study in which the different species of the pathogen are being understood thanks to samples collected over the course of 25 years.
The V:InD:O:W PROJECT| A New Digital Resource Facilitates Social Inclusion in University Teaching
Escrito por UCC+iA European project focuses on the development and creation of digital tools for university professors of second languages, with a view to the inclusion of students with different abilities
Reagent used in cancer treatments obtained from agricultural waste
Escrito por UCC+iA research team at the University of Córdoba has developed a process for the pharmacochemical industry to take partial advantage of lignin, a natural substance present in plants, constituting 30% of woody biomass