A team from the Department of Agronomy proposes a method to calculate, compare and communicate how different crops affect the loss of agricultural soil, with the aim of raising awareness of this problem and promoting solutions to preserve this vital resource

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A study by the University of Cordoba confirms that soil properties are only altered slightly, or even improved, in the short term after controlled burning

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A team from the Department of Agronomy at the University of Cordoba (DAUCO) publishes the ideal ratio between phosphorus and zinc in soil for the proper fertilization of corn cultivated on lands with zinc deficiencies

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A paper from the Agronomy Department at the University of Cordoba and Southwest University (China) has advanced in the understanding of influencing factors in the formation of iron oxides that affect a soil's ability to be more agriculturally efficient

Publicado en Nature science

Project Living Soils will create a collaborative network to exchange and spread good practices in agriculture in order to conserve soil

Publicado en Nature science