Members of Vitenol Research Group receive Jose Luis Messiah award
Escrito porPress Office
Members of 'Vitenol' Research Group at the University of Córdoba, which is part of the Agrifood Campus of International Excellence of Andalusia (ceiA3) received the XXXV Research Award 'José Luis Iglesias Messiah' granted by Santa Ana University Center to best research work presented at the Symposium of Enology and Viticulture in Tierra de Barros.
COMET-LA Project selected to debate the future of Europe as global actor
Escrito porG.C. - E.L
Researcher at the University of Córdoba and ceiA3, Maria del Mar Delgado, will be presenting in Brussels experienced gained in participatory and upward management of natural resources within COMET-LA project
New restoration materials to preserve heritage building facades
Escrito porG.C.-E-L.
Experts from the Inorganic Chemistry Research Group of the University of Córdoba are developing new building materials for restoration of historic buildings, such as products for facades with a 'self-cleaning' ability. To prepare these materials, experts have used components obtained from industrial waste recycling, recovering their value and preventing storage in landfills and other associated environmental impact.
UCO researchers design inspection protocols to ensure safety and efficacy of crop dusters
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European legislation requires greater controls of devices used for application of plant protection products from the air.
A conference organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development report on new legislative changes and latest technological advances.
The University of Cordoba installs the first digital beehive to control the activity of bees in real
Escrito porThe device will allow for advances in the study of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) in beehives, which is key in climate change analysis.
The University of Cordoba advises British farmers on irrigation techniques
Escrito porA researcher from Cordoba is to collaborate with the British government on the necessities of irrigation and the design of an improvement plan.